Support Groups
Hospice of Havasu offers support groups to anyone in the community who needs them. Grief support groups offer counseling and education on coping with the grieving process. Support groups encourage sharing experiences with others who have challenges related to grieving, and expert advice from trained staff facilitators. Please check our calendar of events for times and dates.

The Transitions program provides education and support to caregivers, assistance with identifying community resources, and help with completing or updating advance directives.

We Honor Veterans

The We Honor Veterans program is a nationally accredited program dedicated to recognizing the unique needs of America’s Veterans who are hospice patients, and their families. Hospice of Havasu is a proud partner of the We Honor Veterans program. Through this program, we are able to honor veterans who are Hospice of Havasu patients or Transitions clients with a special recognition ceremony in the presence of family and friends.
Music & Memory

MUSIC & MEMORY® is a non-profit organization that helps individuals with a wide range of cognitive and physical conditions to engage with the world, ease pain, and reclaim their humanity through the use of personalized music.
As a certified MUSIC & MEMORY® care organization, Hospice of Havasu creates an individualized music playlist for each patient as they are identified by staff as someone who could benefit from the power of personalized music.